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Astrocalc Released

As we step out of the 4 darkest months of the Year, I am happy to announce the release of Astrocalc in the spirit of Astrology for Everyone.


  • Chart Manager (CM): Added a new 'Astrocalc Chart Exchange" export format, which let you export one or more charts to share with other Astrocalc 6.5 users/programs
  • In connection to above, added selective import of Astrocalc 6.5 charts, exported from other Astrocalc 6.5 program
  • CM: Added option to export in the Quick*Chart format. Note: As Astrocalc doesn't use an abbreviated time zone label (e.g. CET) GMT is used as label in all exports and may need a manual edit.
  • Added selective import of charts from Astrocalc 6.0-6.3 chart files. Note the selector of Group to show charts from.
  • Rearranged layout of CM
  • CM: A double click on an item in CM's chart list now has the same effect as clicking on the "Load" button.
  • CM: Removed the list of charts loaded into memory to make room for export facility. Only count is now shown.
  • Bugfix: New group created in CM only appears on main menu screen after a restart. FIXED
  • Bugfix: Rename and Delete of a group in CM now work properly.
  • Bugfix (CM): Program crashes if you click to load a chart when the list is empty (ie. no chart there to be loaded). FIXED
  • Added missing Zone time to display of chart details
  •  The zone time adjustment for a Now chart is now automatically and seamlessly taken care of in the background. The PC's local time is shown within parentheses in the wheel when it differs from local time of the chosen place.

You can download the installation file from the Download page.

