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I am new to Astrocalc and have a simple question about its use.  Does Astrocalc automatically adjust for BST and GMT?


If I want to create a chart for 1st August at 09:00 for a UK location, do I enter the time as 09:00 (i.e. BST) or should I enter it as 08:00 (i.e. GMT)?

Hi Richard and welcome!

You are always entering the local time for the event in question. The adjustment to GMT will always take place internally in the program calculations, but you can see (and set manually if you have a reason/need) what this will be in the Zone time fields. This is of course dependent on that you choose a place from the Atlas, which includes the time zone data.


By the way, there will soon be a new release, this or next week, which has some radical changes to the Data Entry GUI process, although the actual entering of data will be about the same.

That's great.  Thanks for the response.