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Transferring data from old licensed Astrocalc on desktop to newly downloaded Astrocalc on laptop

I have my old Astrocalc on a desktop PC that still operates on XP and I don't connect to the internet with it. How do I get the data from that and put it onto this new Astrocalc that I've installed on this laptop?

Slavko has reacted to this post.

Josie, is it 6.3? It has a backup function (e.g. to an USB stick) and then you can Restore it on the new laptop. But, having said that. Honestly, I am not 100% sure of the backup between versions, as I haven't tested that thoroughly. So I would do it like this:

  1. On XP, copy the folder "My Documents\Astrocalc Software", with all sub folders, to an USB
  2. On new laptop, delete the folder "Documents\Astrocalc Software" (note, you will lose all charts you added, and changed settings).
  3. Copy the "Astrocalc Software" folder from USB to "Documents" on new laptop. Start Astrocalc 6.5 and it will pick up everything as it was before. Note that start will take a wee bit longer as it has to create and import data into some databases.

I lost a HDD recently, just died without any warning, and it was the one where I had all my virtual testbeds with various older Astrocalc installations. So I haven't been able to do that much of upgrade tests, but the only virtual Windows installation I was able to recover was indeed running XP SP3 🙂

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I was still on a 6.2 version (didn't get around to installing my 6.3 update!), but the copying of the folder worked perfectly and all my chart data is now on the 6.5. Thank you so much.

Slavko has reacted to this post.

Yes, there are no folder structural difference between 6.2 and 6.3, and I think I have made it so even if there are differences between files, they should be non-destructive going forward. But honestly, can't remember 100% as it was quite some time ago - but great that it worked, and good for others to know.

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